Update #14: Planting 10 000 trees!!! / October 17, 2022

We are thrilled to share our 2022 Autumn plans with you. Thanks to the community and donors' tremendous support, we can expand our planting operation to 10 000 trees from the originally planned 5 000 for this year.

In 2021 we managed to finance and plant 2 712 trees. It was our first planting event with smaller goals, we took it step-by-step, which allowed us to gain much-needed experience. We learned a lot from last year, and we’re very pleased we achieved a 78% survival rate for the trees planted.

Thanks to all supporters and donors!

Expanding our operation would not be possible without huge support from the international motorcycle community (some support us regularly, special thanks!) as well as incredible private sector donors Fry-IT, Ltd. from the UK, Shirt-King & Button-King from Germany, Car Tirana and ALGRAFIKA from Albania.

We also thank Fidanishte Xhepi for helping us with our mission and supplying us with trees at significantly discounted price.

When and how do we plant this year?

Due to the number of trees we need to plant this year, the operation will span much longer than last year. This year’s planting area is much larger at 6.5ha compared to 1.6ha last year due to the higher number of trees.

It will take place for almost a month, from 22nd October 2022 to 20th November 2022.


We start preparing the planting area on 22nd–23th October with a survey, marking, planning the operation and preparing for all the logistics.

The work on digging 10 000 holes will begin on 24th October, and this work will be completed exclusively by the local team, who will work for four weeks till the 3rd week of November.

Planting will begin 29th October and continue during weekdays with local teams and during weekends with volunter groups till 20th November, more information below.

Volunteers & local teams

Planting of the trees will be split between local teams and volunteer groups, with a target of 2 500 trees planted per week. Based on last year’s experience, we want to provide more income to the local teams and reduce pressure on the volunteer groups.

Volunteers will be planting only during the weekends (4th October weekend, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd November weekend), and there won’t be a requirement on the number of trees planted during the volunteer events. It will allow volunteer groups to take more care while planting, our team to monitor their work and, most importantly, time for the groups to enjoy Lurë National Park if they choose to do so.

Local teams will be planting trees during the weekdays when both digging the holes and planting trees will take place, keeping the operation on target of 2 500 trees per week.

We hope these changes will make the operation run smoothly, provide much-needed job opportunities and income for the local teams and make the planting events fun and exciting for the volunteer groups.

On behalf of the whole team,


Update #20: Researcher from UK & week of meetings / July 7, 2024

Week of meetings with institutions and NGOs with researcher Stephen Haywood from the UK

Update #19: Overview of the 2023 / January 28, 2024

Overview and Brochure of our work in 2023, what a busy year it was!

Update #18: 10,081 planted in Autumn 2023 / December 15, 2023

We planted another 10,081 trees in 2023 bringing total number up to 22,793!

Update #17: Organising school events in 2023 / December 7, 2023

Organising school events in 2023

Update #16: Dorjan leaving Trees for Lurë / July 10, 2023

Dorjan decided to leave the project and focus on new exciting opportunities.

Update #15: Preparing seeds of Pinus nigra, Pinus peuce and Abies alba for planting / April 11, 2023

Seeds to grow 11 000 seedlings in our nursery are being prepared.

Update #14: Planting 10 000 trees!!! / October 17, 2022

10 000 trees! That’s pushing our effort to the next level!

Update #13: 78% survival rate in the 1st year / September 13, 2022

78% survival rate, issues we enountered and lessons learned.

Update #12: Partnerships, Tree Nursery & Spring planting / May 25, 2022

Partnerships, Tree Nursery & Spring planting

Update #11: Finance 2019–2021 / January 27, 2022

How did we use donations in years 2019–2021?

Update #10 / October 25, 2021

Choosing the right planting material and supplier.

Update #9 / October 1, 2021

We dug 2550 holes! AdZM project changes, local community support and new ways to donate.

Update #8 / September 21, 2021

Green light for 2500 trees, new species, new area and seeds!

Update #7 / July 20, 2021

Snow in late May, paperwork and plans for the Autumn 2021.

Update #6 / May 20, 2021

We are back! The 1st event of 2021 takes place 28th-30th May, we are planting 2 500 trees in Lurë!

Update #5 / April 21, 2020

First, there was an earthquake, and now we have COVID-19 global pandemic

Update #4 / December 16, 2019

Earthquake, why we planted 51 trees and What’s next?

Update #3 / November 26, 2019

Earthquake, 2019 canceled, earthquake relief volunteering

Update #2 / November 24, 2019

More volunteers and donors, getting ready for next week, Help the Child! update and TV, Radio, Czech Embassy.

Update #1 / November 15, 2019

Welcome Scout Tirana 1, Make child happy!, new team members, stickers and exciting partners.