Update #8 / September 21, 2021

I’m incredibly happy I can share (finally) some good news! A lot has been done in terms of planning and paperwork and all the hard work finally paid off! We have a green light for the Autumn activities!

AKZM and AdZM approval

The biggest milestone for us as an organisation was to obtain required permission to operate within the Lurë National Park from AKZM and AdZM Dibër.

We have received positive response from the AKZM and AdZM and are officially allowed to work in the national park.

We managed to establish good relationship and communication channels with AdZM Dibër. I’d have to thank Mr. Atrit Lika and AdZM Dibër for their support and suggestions.

New combination of trees

Based on the feedback from AdZM we are changing the combination of the trees which we plant. Black pine (Pinus nigra) is not the wrong species but it’s the least favourable by the AdZM.

New tree combination consists of 50% Balkan pine (Pinus Peuce), 30% Abies alba (Silver fir) and 20% European beech (Fagus sylvatica).

This combination results in a mixed forest of conifers and deciduous trees which belongs to Lurë.

I’m very positive about focusing on Balkan pine (Pinus Peuce) because it is an endangered species, used to be in Lurë and it’s population was destroyed by logging.

New area

We visited locations around Liqeni i Zi (Black lake) in past weeks to assess the area and make the final decision on its suitability to plant.

Decision has been made (consulted with the AdZM) to change the location where we plant with saplings from A1,A2 / Liqeni i Zi to our backup area A7 / Liqeni i Luleve.

Main reason is the difficult terrain around Liqeni i Zi which would make digging holes complicated and expensive. There is also an advantage to use A7 are as it’s much bigger (more than 11ha) and can continue working in the same area next year.

Planting with seeds trial

We are not abandoning the Lieqni i Zi, on the contrary. We will use this area to test planting with seeds instead of saplings. This could be huge!

There are vast areas of the Lurë National Park which are really difficult to reforest with saplings and planting with seeds is an ideal method in this case.

Planting with seeds would allow us to scale up the reforestation effort while keeping it economically viable.

What’s next?

We have the last 6 weeks to execute this year’s goals and things are moving fast now, which is super exciting!

We are on track, and everything is organised to start digging 2 500 holes during the last September weekend and first October weekend.

Preliminary dates for the events to plant the trees are set the 23rd - 31st October.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram & Facebook updates are coming.

On behalf of the whole team,


Update #20: Researcher from UK & week of meetings / July 7, 2024

Week of meetings with institutions and NGOs with researcher Stephen Haywood from the UK

Update #19: Overview of the 2023 / January 28, 2024

Overview and Brochure of our work in 2023, what a busy year it was!

Update #18: 10,081 planted in Autumn 2023 / December 15, 2023

We planted another 10,081 trees in 2023 bringing total number up to 22,793!

Update #17: Organising school events in 2023 / December 7, 2023

Organising school events in 2023

Update #16: Dorjan leaving Trees for Lurë / July 10, 2023

Dorjan decided to leave the project and focus on new exciting opportunities.

Update #15: Preparing seeds of Pinus nigra, Pinus peuce and Abies alba for planting / April 11, 2023

Seeds to grow 11 000 seedlings in our nursery are being prepared.

Update #14: Planting 10 000 trees!!! / October 17, 2022

10 000 trees! That’s pushing our effort to the next level!

Update #13: 78% survival rate in the 1st year / September 13, 2022

78% survival rate, issues we enountered and lessons learned.

Update #12: Partnerships, Tree Nursery & Spring planting / May 25, 2022

Partnerships, Tree Nursery & Spring planting

Update #11: Finance 2019–2021 / January 27, 2022

How did we use donations in years 2019–2021?

Update #10 / October 25, 2021

Choosing the right planting material and supplier.

Update #9 / October 1, 2021

We dug 2550 holes! AdZM project changes, local community support and new ways to donate.

Update #8 / September 21, 2021

Green light for 2500 trees, new species, new area and seeds!

Update #7 / July 20, 2021

Snow in late May, paperwork and plans for the Autumn 2021.

Update #6 / May 20, 2021

We are back! The 1st event of 2021 takes place 28th-30th May, we are planting 2 500 trees in Lurë!

Update #5 / April 21, 2020

First, there was an earthquake, and now we have COVID-19 global pandemic

Update #4 / December 16, 2019

Earthquake, why we planted 51 trees and What’s next?

Update #3 / November 26, 2019

Earthquake, 2019 canceled, earthquake relief volunteering

Update #2 / November 24, 2019

More volunteers and donors, getting ready for next week, Help the Child! update and TV, Radio, Czech Embassy.

Update #1 / November 15, 2019

Welcome Scout Tirana 1, Make child happy!, new team members, stickers and exciting partners.